Making reservations at the Marriott Wardman Park for the ISFLC is easy! Rooms are $139/night for a double bed. This is a very reasonably room rate, with 4 people splitting a room that’s only $35/person per night! Click here to make your reservations at the Marriott Wardman Park.
If you prefer to make reservations in our room block via phone, please call 1-877-212-5752 and mention Students For Liberty to ensure you’re getting the special ISFLC rate.
Keep in mind, we run out of rooms in block every year, so book now to ensure you have a place to stay at the Marriott. The sooner you book your room, the better chance you’ll have at getting into our room block and taking advantage of our excellent group rate. Even if you end up not being able to make it to the conference, you can cancel your reservation without penalty charges. Start talking to your friends and colleagues about sharing a room now so you can get your reservations taken care of today!