Looking for another reason to attend the 9th International Students For Liberty Conference (ISFLC16)? I’ve got three: David Friedman, Bryan Caplan, and Antony Davies. The three beloved libertarian intellectuals will be lecturing respectively on anarchism, public choice, and immigration at breakout sessions sponsored by the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS).

  • What: IHS Breakout Sessions @ ISFLC16
  • When: February 27, 2016 — 9 AM – 12:15 PM ET
  • Where: Marriott Wardman Park (Washington, DC) — Delaware B

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DFriedman.jpgDavid  Friedman is an American economist, physicist, legal scholar, and libertarian theorist. He is known for his writings in market anarchist theory, which is the subject of his most popular book, The Machinery of Freedom. He has authored several other books and articles, including Price TheoryLaw’s Order: What Economics Has to Do with Law and Why It Matters, Hidden Order: The Economics of Everyday Life, and Future Imperfect.


caplan.jpgBryan Caplan is an American economist. Caplan is a professor of economics at George Mason University, research fellow at the Mercatus Center, adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, and blogger for EconLog. He is the author of The Myth of the Rational Voter, which was hailed as “the best political book of the year” by the New York Times in 2007, as well as Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids.


davies_1.jpgAntony Davies is associate professor of economics at Duquesne University, Mercatus Affiliated Senior Scholar, and Strata Research Fellow. Davies has authored over 150 op-eds for, among others, the Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Forbes, Investors Business Daily, and New York Daily News. His YouTube videos on economics and statistics have garnered over 3 million views.


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